Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Juli's "This is what I've had for breakfast every day for the last month" Smoothie

Like smoothies?

Want to stop drinking Starbucks' three pump white mocha chais for breakfast three stinkin' times a week? (That one might just be me...and did you know that it's a $4.51-apiece beverage?)

Trying to tone up and look hot?

Try this.

Place blender on counter, and add the following ingredients:

1/2 medium banana
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup frozen watermelon
1/2 cup nonfat yogurt
1/2 cup frozen spinach (must be frozen. Buy a bag of it and throw it in the freezer.)
1/2 cup orange juice

BLEND BLEND BLEND and then add:

1 scoop whey protein powder (vanilla, if you please), if you're into that sort of thing. Don't put protein powder in your smoothie unless you intend to exert yourself at some point during the day, or if you are upping protein for some other unknown reason.


WICKED GOOD. Makes about 25 ounces o' beverage, which can be split up, I suppose, though I do not. The whole thing (including protein powder) is roughly 400 calories. Take out the powder and it's closer to 270.

You can substitute frozen blueberries or frozen peaches for the watermelon, but I find that the watermelon freezes kinda like ice cubes since it's so...watery...and so forth, and that helps the whole thing stay cold.

I promise you will neither smell nor taste the spinach, it will only turn your beverage a little greenish brown.

And that is all!


  1. so i started making these for myself recently and despite my initial revulsion at the idea of spinach in a smoothie i put my faith in Juli's taste and I came out victorious. delicious smoothies and i already think my muscles are starting to make an appearance.

  2. YAY! I'm trying kale next; if it's not too stringy I'll update here. Kale is supposed to be the best of the best, as far as veggies go, and apparently doesn't show up, taste-wise, in smoothies. :o) Any trick to get the veggies in my body without having to think about it too much.

  3. I would drink this if it didn't have nasty banana in it. Nasty nasty banana!
